Estimated Standings by Breed - Oriental Longhair

Kittens (15)
Rank Name Score
1Balihoo Aisha 5606
2Alchemy Candy O 5603
3Balimoor Lilley White of Noracoon 5452
4Myazureyes Cooper Clawmark 2055
5Balihoo Butterfly Kisses 1858
6Autumsun Popcorn Sutton 1439
7Balimoor Snow Sprite 1398
8Toreador Lord Poseidon 786
9Balihoo Lavender Blue 645
10Myazureyes Hoover McClaw 632
11Toreador Lord Hades 361
12Zarina-Inessa Cocoa of Bastet Ural 279
13Balimoor Midnight Belle 171
14Sirius Black of Noah's Ark 150
15Umbra Shiloh of Noah's Ark 128
Championship Cats (19)
Rank Name Score
1Alchemy Candy O 9852
2Balimoor Let It Snow of Autumsun 8937
3Balihoo Butterfly Kisses 4069
4Scala of Lancarrow 2083
5Rakiscats Sandor 2054
6Autumnsun Jackson Triggs of Balimoor1862
7Balimoor Midnight Belle 1795
8Leafdance Kali Mirchi of Synergy 1662
9Rakiscats Laith 684
10Willy Wonka Di Gattinata 534
11Balimoor Belle of The Ball 479
12Balihoo Lavender Blue 433
13Pavir Arctic Fox of Balihoo 380
14Catajam Daytona Beach of Chicago SN 346
15Nalittna Lumienkeleita 299
16Myazureyes Cotton Candy of Dizigner 233
17Myazureyes Cooper Clawmark 154
18Pippastro Tigermoth 144
19Balimoor Eden of Myazureyes 121
Alters (11)
Rank Name Score
1Balimoor Cody Osnowdrift 10662
2Balimoor Whitelightnin of Autumsun 8091
3Myazureyes Cooper Clawmark 6091
4Sehnsational Blue Moon 5778
5Leafdance Kalonji of Synergy 5288
6Ftres Anoya Tigre 2622
7Balimoor Mendo Tate 889
8DK Arjuna's Faetter Lavben 692
9Pippastro Magik Flute 678
10Admiral Ackbar of Noah's Ark 291
11Raksha Sherkina Sidamo 252
This report was generated Thu May 23 21:19:49 2013.