Modany Mumin of Magicmoments
1 2 31 2014/05/04a KK 219 219
2 3 25 2014/10/11g JA 202 421
3 6 53 2014/09/20c PHO 197 618
4 1S 16 2014/10/11g JA 165 783
5 2S 24 2014/06/14e KK 162 945
6 1S 12 2014/05/04a KK 161 1106
7 1S 12 2014/05/04a JA 161 1267
8 2S 21 2014/09/20c PHO 159 1426
9 2S 16 2014/10/11g EV 154 1580
10 2S 13 2014/05/04a DR 151 1731
11 3S 24 2014/06/14e EV 151 1882
12 2S 12 2014/05/04a DR 150 2032
13 3S 13 2014/05/04a JA 140 2172
14 3S 11 2014/05/04a IVB 138 2310
15 3S 11 2014/10/11g PB 138 2448
16 4S 11 2014/10/11g EV 127 2575

2014/05/04a = 
2014/06/14e = 
2014/09/20c = 
2014/10/11g = 

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.