Foaming Frenzies and Fog City Cat Club, Santa Rosa, CA, June 26-27, 1999

              Saturday                      Sunday        
        Juliana Slater     AB        Lindajean Grillo   AB
        Pat Harding        AB        Nancy Parkinson    AB
        Fate Mays          AB        Fate Mays          AB
        Adriana Kajon      AB        Pascale Portelas   AB
        Kitti Ruttan       SP        Adriana Kajon      SP
        Laura Cunningham   SP        Carol Barton       SP

KITTENS                                  JS PH FM AK KR LC LG NP FM PP AK CB
Argo's Bogart                        MC      1  6  3 6L 1L  4  1  8    1L 1L
Excalibur Gideon                     BS  10  4  9  9 7S 3S  7  7       7S 5S
C. J. Max                            AB   8 10  2  1    1S        3    1S 8S
Pixiepaw's Nanook                    PL   6          1L 5L     5     6 5L 3L
Hillstblues Lil' Chrissy             AB   1    10           3  4  7    8S 3S
Brnyfls Rios Shadow of Marmorata     MC   3     4    3L           6  2    4L
Pawsdlite Pinjarra                   OS      7     4 4S        3       3S 2S
Belgatto Shoshanna of Snugglebug     PS   7     3  7    4L        5    4L   
Hillstblues Fawntasia                AB            8 8S 7S  2        1 4S   
Hoj Poj Shania                       OS   9     5       9S  8     4       7S
Dreamdolls Mr. Pickwick              RD      9    10           9     7 6L 6L
Coonsboro Zane Gray of L.A.P.D.      MC   5  5          7L           4 8L   
Pawsdlite Kadina                     OS      3          8S     6     3   10S
Pawsdlite Rum Jungle                 OS         1    1S           1       4S
Hoj Poj An Offer We Couldn't Refuse  OS            5    4S  6          6S   
Bengoria Billy The Kid               BG   4  8       3S          10         
Coonyham Coltrane                    MC                     1  2  2         
Purfur's Deheshe                     HB             10S           9  8    1S
Lightdancers Madam Pele              AB              2S 2S  9               
Chamois Betty Boops No Hair          SX            2                   2S 9S
Windwalker Caviar                    MC            6       10          3L   
Almaden Bella Mia                    BG              9S 5S           5      
Degoonacoon's Zambezi of Brnyfls     MC      2       4L                     
Coonyham Pancho Villa                MC                        8       2L   
Argo's C. Morgan                     MC                 2L             7L   
Degoonacoon's Temeku Bay             MC         7                         5L
Argo's Cooper                        MC                       10          2L
Almaden Hotspur                      BG              5S                   6S
Firima of S.F. Excluxives            RD              2L                9L   
Quakencats Primrose of Bastetsphynx  SX              6S             10      
Dawnstar Shango                      BG      6                        10S   
Suzeran's Petra Pyotrovna            SB              5L                  10L
Moonlight Night's Glazed Ginger      BA                              9    9L
Holdermaines Carmel of Pacificmaine  MC                               10L 8L
Belfry Claire de Nude of Zeba        SX   2                                 
Goldenmagi Asta                      BG                     5               
Argo's J. Walker                     MC                 3L                  
Stageone Hamlet                      BG                                5S   
Windwalker Quintana Roo              MC         8                           
Alcat's Hot Lava                     BG                 6S                  
Arrgo's Awesome Gumbo                MC                 6L                  
Frenchpaw Painted Lady of Fog City   MC                                   7L
Quasarcats Silvana of Coonpanion     MC              7L                     
Koonary's Lady Guinevere             MC              8L                     
Bengaland Divinci Wintrsky of Tahoe  BG                                9S   
Purfur's Lin-Ka-Lou                  HB                10S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     50 49 50 49 23 22 46 50 49 50 25 25
                     Shorthair Count                 27 27             25 25

CATS                                     JS PH FM AK KR LC LG NP FM PP AK CB
Toytown's Lash Larue of Elvessa      TO   3  3  6  4 8S 2S  9  7  7  3 1S 3S
Chaucer's Isabelle                   BS   6  2  4  3 1S 4S 10  1  3  2 3S   
Purberri's Blue Ridge of Woodlyn     HI   2  5  2  7 2L 4L  6  4  2  6 3L   
Ahura's Boo Radley                   PS   1  1     2 3L 1L     5     9 2L   
Kojiki's Himawari of Taiyo           JL   9  8       1L 5L  4          7L 1L
Velpaw's Chocolate Truffle           SI     10    10    5S  7  2       9S 1S
Coonyham Rough Rider                 MC                     5  3  5  5 1L10L
L.A.P.D. Cruiser                     MC         1    6L 7L        1    6L   
Joykatz Denali                       BG         9  5           8     7 4S   
Finagan of Hooligan                  PS   8     7    7L 8L                4L
Mymains Sequoyah of Wintersky        MC         3    5L           4       6L
Singatown's Outsider of Quakencats   SG            1           9       2S 8S
Mightycats Miranda of L.A.P.D.       MC            9    3L           4 4L   
Pawsdlite Whiskey And Lace           OS            8    1S        8    6S   
Cottercoons Sedona of Holdermaines   MC   7    10                      5L 3L
Missinglynx's Sheba                  PB            6          10       5S 6S
Susitna PB Elliot of Purfur          HB      9       4S10S     6            
Sno Pride Grenadine                  BG   4             3S  1               
Pawsdlite Tattoo Dancer              SI              2S 6S                2S
Janipurr's Zai                       JB                     2     9       4S
Quakencats Koala Bare                SX              7S 7S            10S10S
Pacific Maine Pajaro Dunes           MC              9L 2L                2L
Billstblues Tira Mi Su               AB             10S     3          8S   
Caj Velocity's Cabiria               SG                     8    10    7S   
Camaric Lacey Lee Bon                SF                           6  1      
San-Toi Blossom of Moonlight Night   OS      4                            5S
Pawsdlite Marlena Dietrich           OS         5    5S                     
Degoonacoon's Pompanesset Bay        MC      6       4L                     
Brnyfls Hemingway of Degoonacoon     MC   5                               9L
Almaden Hotlink                      BG      7                            9S
Mar-Robs Princess Eboli              SX              9S              8      
Tigerflower Patagonia                AB                 8S          10      
Moonlight Night's Allie Bali Gator   BA                 6L             8L   
Suzeran's Mikail Yurinovich          SB                               10L 5L
Pixiepaw's Wolf                      PL  10                               8L
Kasperkatz Googang                   BG              3S                     
Stageone Sandstorm of Desertstar     BG         8                           
Marmorata Golden Sun                 BG              6S                     
Kitti Kat's Catazonal Pluton         SR                                   7S
Argo's Mt. Ajaxx                     MC                                   7L
Dixie Pixies Barbie of Hillstblues   PL              8L                     
Joykatz Desperado Joe of Jobengals   BG                 9S                  
Dreamdolls Lexus                     RD                                9L   
Suzeran's Naina Yuriovna             SB                 9L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     57 58 59 58 24 24 57 63 60 62 27 27
                     Shorthair Count                 34 34             35 35

ALTERS                                   JS PH FM AK KR LC LG NP FM PP AK CB
Toytown Flash Decision of Radiance   TO   2 10  4  6 1S 4S  6  3  4  8 4S 1S
Taliesin Quintessa Bedmole           BS   4  9  2  4 3S     1  5  2  3 1S 4S
Willowplace Domperion of Sirbentley  MC   1  1  1  2    1L  3     1  1 1L   
QT's T.J. Hooker                     SR      6  6  8 2S           6  4 3S 2S
Highlites Playboy                    PS   6  8  3  7    3L     4  3  6 4L   
Rex N FX Chiffon Debutante           DR   3     5  5 4S 2S  2     5  2      
Hapi K Moose                         MC      7  7    1L 5L  7  1  7       3L
Furreal Ramsey of Marmorata          RD   7  2       2L 2L           5 3L 1L
Sweet & Sunny                        AB            3    3S  4  2     7 2S   
Tintagel's Darius                    AL   8     9           8  6  8    5L 4L
Pinecoon Born Flirt of Coonyham      MC                     5  7  9    2L   
Pawsdlite Fire In The Sky            OS         8       1S 10             5S
Taiyo's Yo Ko-San                    JB   5                      10       3S
Our Purrfect Pandora                 MC        10    3L                   5L
Caliope Chief Obrien                 ES  10  3                 9            
Kurisumasu Kumanbachi                JB           10           8       5S   
Brnyfls Mckennas Gold of Hapi K      MC              5L                   2L
Kim-Lynn's Sioux Kitti Sue           BU              5S              9      
Trianon's Tsar Nicholas              RB   9        9                        
Kurisumasu Suiyo                     JB      4                              
Asian Kingdon's Camen                BG      5                              
Apaws Numero Uno of Dreamcats        SX                 5S                  
Kurisumasu Cho Cho San               JL                 4L                  
Tribblecurl's Olin Sevastianovich    SB              4L                     
Pzazz Magnolia                       SI                     9               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     26 26 26 26  9  9 25 24 25 24 10 10
                     Shorthair Count                 14 17             14 14

Millennium Madness                        1  1  1  1 2S 1S  1  1  1  1 1S 1S
Heather                                   2  2  3  2 1S 3S  3  2  2  2 2S 2S
Lily                                      3  3  2  3 3S 2S  2  3  3  3 3S 3S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3  3        3  3  3  3      
                     Shorthair Count                  3  3              3  3

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           JS PH FM AK KR LC LG NP FM PP AK CB
Pippin                                    5  1  1  1 1S 1S  2  3  1  1 1S   
Logan                                     4  3  5  3 4L 1L  9  7  5    2L 1L
Sweet Pea                                 1  5  4    2L 4L  3  4  3    5L 4L
Jazzmanian Devil                          2     9  2 5L 5L  1  9  6    1L 3L
Mr. Fuzzman                               6     3  8 1L 3L     5  4    4L   
Roger Dodger                                 4     5    2L  7  1     8 3L   
Punkin Head                                     7  6 2S 5S  6          4S   
Arthur of Priceless                       7  8 10    3S 3S                1S
Flip Wilson                               9       10 5S     8  2       5S   
Coco Chanel of Cat's Cradle               8          3L              5    2L
Seaside Sadie of Cat's Cradle                   6           4     8       4S
Peggy Sue                                 3  7                10          2S
Suzy Q                                          8                 9  7    5L
Dartanyon                                       2                 2  6      
Josh                                         2                 8     3      
Thumbelina                                   6              5          3S   
Yum Yum                                  10             2S           2      
Buttercup                                    9       4S          10         
Taa Ling                                           4                   2S   
Mystik                                      10                       4      
Miss Curiosity Kitty                                           6    10      
Nutrageous                                                 10             5S
Annabel                                                                   3S
Suki                                                    4S                  
Fuzzfyre Phoenix                                   7                        
Orion                                                             7         
Taz                                                9                        
Nicholas                                                             9      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     33 33 35 35 14 14 32 30 33 33 12 14
                     Shorthair Count                 20 16             18 19

Evenstar Gabrielle                   SO   1  1  1  1 1L 1L  1  1  1  1 1L 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                        
This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (