Mysticjewelssx Mac of Little Sphynx
1 5 13 2022/01/22c CK 168 168
2 6 13 2022/01/22c RK 157 325
3 6 13 2022/01/22c TS 157 482
4 7 12 2022/01/22c RA 145 627
5 8 13 2022/01/22c RH 135 762
6 8 12 2022/01/22c TK 134 896
7 8 10 2022/01/22c LP 132 1028
8 10 13 2022/01/22c CU 113 1141
9 10 12 2022/01/22c DM 112 1253
10 10 12 2022/01/22c KC 112 1365

Region: SE
Shows: SE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.