Go-Teekatz Bleu Majik of Lildarlynns
1 1 29 2021/05/15a EHW 228 228
2 2 28 2021/05/15a CK 216 444
3 3 30 2021/05/15a RK 207 651
4 3 29 2021/05/15a AW 206 857
5 5 28 2021/05/15a RW 183 1040
6 7 29 2021/05/15a HD 162 1202
7 4L 20 2021/05/15a HD 136 1338
8 10 29 2021/05/15a CU 129 1467

Region: SE
Shows: SE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.