Prairie State Cat Club, Franklin Park, IL, May 20, 2000 Saturday AM Saturday PM Dewane Barnes AB Dewane Barnes SP Patti Andrews SP Patti Andrews AB Paul Lahey SP Paul Lahey AB Beth Hicks AB Louise van de Water AB Lynne Sherer AB Robin Higgins AB KITTENS DB PA PL BH LS DB PA PL LW RH Dreambabys Shars Last Dream PS 1 2L 2L 4 1L 2 5 8 2 Wunderkatz Buffy The Vampire Slayer TO 9 4S 3 9 5S 8 10 9 9 Cooncreole Ciaran of Celticpride MC 4 1L 3L 1 3L 1 3 Monarch's Patch Adams CR 5 1S 1S 3S 6 1 1 Catastery Dickens JL 10 5L 1L 8 5L 6 4 Mystywood Lolita of Fyffestar ES 8 4S 9 2S 9 7 8 Rinkurl Rock On of Purrjammin SX 6 2S 6 5 Leotie's Tiamat AB 1 6 10 10 Bengaland's Divinci Sierra Monet BG 7 3S 4S 4 Rockincat's Skye Pilot MC 2 3 7 Bailiwick Magic Prints BG 2S 2 2 Goldspurr's Ossiar BG 3 4 1S Dreambabys Dreambeam PS 2 7 2L Sunspark Zales BG 10 2 6 Goldspurr's Tirnanog BG 5S 7 4 Celticpride Blathlin MC 4L 9 4 Shagsrus Zoe MC 5L 7 5 Sultan's Pad Wicked Fetish of Dulwic BO 5S 8 5 Sibcat's Angelica of Sibano SB 4L 4L 5 Dorwill Darcy MC 3 3 Johnsbay Cary MC 5 3 Buddhasmeow Uncia BG 3S 7 Johnsbay Bailey MC 3L 8 Junglebook Sweet Charity of Tezpurr BG 1 Bengaland's Sir Sno Zee Divinci BG 6 Koontuckyh Millennium MC 10 Marakats Mocha Rose HB 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 37 17 17 37 37 18 36 36 36 36 Shorthair Count 20 17 17 CATS DB PA PL BH LS DB PA PL LW RH Cherokee Trails Rolling Thunder CX 2 2S 4S 2 2 1S 3 9 4 Tanstaafl Copper Penny MC 7 2L 3L 1L 4 4 6 1 Yggdrasil's Tobermory Sieberhitsson NF 8 1L 4L 8 3L 2 6 2 Purafection Tahini SG 1S 4 4S 5 3 3 3 Lilla B Madame Who of Ohanaskey SI 1 4S 1 2S 8 8 9 My Apogee Wish Upon A Star BI 9 3L 5L 6 7 10 8 Dreambabys One Dream At A Time PS 3 7 2L 7 7 10 Glitterwood Mudslide of Shomeekatz BG 2S 4 1 1 Cheetahsden's Illusion BG 10 1S 9 3S 1 Rinkurl Earth Angel SX 5 3S 3S 9 7 Marja Luvs Little Bit of Trouble PS 1L 4L 9 2 Seascape Lexus MC 4 6 10 Becker of Starbengal BG 5 9 6 Fawn-Fawwn SB 5L 5 10 Leotie's Rubaiyat AB 8 8 10 Leopardhaven Legacy BG 3 2 Tanstaafl Memphis Amity of SSL MC 6 5 Denali's Neo BG 5S 1 Coons Cross Guildenstern MC 5L 4 Fyffestar Gremlin ES 6 5S Velvet Jewels Gold Prospector MC 4L 2L Hoosiercoon Cherieamor of Rockincat MC 3 Romani Silver Charger of Bluemist NB 5 Koontucky Wiskey MC 5 Sunvals Parade of Dreambabys HI 7 Sportstar Scottie Hamilton SF 10 Miakoda BG 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 32 15 15 32 33 17 33 30 31 32 Shorthair Count 15 17 15 ALTERS DB PA PL BH LS DB PA PL LW RH Jedidiah's Mark NF 1 1L 1 1 1L 2 2 1 Grandharbor Dakota RD 1L 2L 5 5L 1 4 3 5 Yquem Cest Si Bon of Silvrleaf ES 4 1S 4 2 1S 3 4 Shags R Us Rigel of Stellarcoon MC 3 2L 4 3L 2 4 Mystywood Fire And Desire PS 3L 5 1 1 2 Purrafection's Manta T CR 5 1S 5S 2S 3 Dixie Paws Mr Kringles Snowball AL 4L 5L 2 5 Wunderkatz Kat Winslt of Vinkingkatt TO 4S 2S 6 5 Calicoon Sir Milo MC 3 4L 3 Sportstar Doug Flute SF 3S 4S 5S 4 Dreambabys Daydream PS 2 2L Navajo Aja Khan BG 6 4S Calicoon Dakota Got Milk MC 5L 5 Zehnder James Blond of Catastery AB 2S 3S Tanstaafl Cupcake Man MC 3 Windy City Jussi BG 5S 3S Dreambabys Dreamcatcher PS 3L Careingcats Mookie Natango MC 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 14 14 20 21 13 20 21 20 20 Shorthair Count 7 7 20 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS DB PA PL BH LS DB PA PL LW RH Lalu 1 1S 1S 1 1 1S 1 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS DB PA PL BH LS DB PA PL LW RH Deep Indigo Girl of Kent 2S 3 2 3S 1 5 Einstein 2L 3L 3 2 4 5 Reilley River 3S 1S 4 4S 2 4 Shagadelic of Kulwicki 1 1 2S 3 3 Lord Nigel Patrick Winfield 1L 2L 4 4L 3 Mrs Peabody 5 2S 5S 5S 1 Cherish 2 1L 2L 1 Gio 4 3S 1S 5 Jasmine 3L 5L 2 2 Mattie 1S 5 1 Oscar 3 3L 2 Jeep 4S 5 4 Denise Albert 1 4L 1L He Is Rio 4S 4 Flame 4L 5 Bailey 5L 5L Beauty 3 Catfish Hunter 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 9 9 19 19 9 19 20 20 20 Shorthair Count 10 10 11 -- This report was prepared by Vicki Novak (