Ti Cats, Giubiasco, Switzerland, November 18-19, 2000 Saturday Sunday Lisette Baudoux SP Deborah Reed SP Connie Webb AB Steve Savant SP Deborah Reed AB Connie Webb SP John Pierre Demers AB Lisette Baudoux AB Martine Caillard AB Massimo Picardello AB KITTENS LB CW DR JD MC DR SS CW LB MP Huby Duby Cybercat SX 3S 1 1 2 1S 1S 1 1 Ekivok Riverddance AB 5S 6 9 1 5S 5S 2S 9 2 Reggae Roots The Cats Love BU 2S 2 2 7 1S 3 5 Tassam Fan C Magic of Tuscaloosa SI 4S 7 3 6 3S 4S 8 3 Tuscaloosa's Hot Shot MC 5L 2 10 8 2L 2L 1L 5 Athena Pattes de Velours PS 1L 7 8 9 1L 2L 4 Rio Grande de Saya San BI 3L 4 3 4L 4L 6 9 Moulin'Crecy Replay Woman MC 6L 8 4 9L 4L 5L 10 Big Blue Delilah of Cyberex DR 1S 8 2S 2 4 Choupette de Doroty's Cats BS 5 9 5 7 10 Animatrax Dragonheart BG 3 3 2S 6 Animatrax Mako BG 7 4 3S 7 Kinukatz Char Ming TO 9 6 3S 8 New Exoticats Romania ES 4 10 4S 5S Mick Jagge(a)r Del Duca Bianco SS 5 3L 3L Mesquita Padmee CR 10 6 4S Broceliande Xena MC 1 1L Rasta de Saya San BI 7L 6L 8L Baral's Diade PS 9L 7L 6L Tuscaloosa Hijacker O.Heartbreacker MC 6L 3L Davies Dei Toltechi PS 8L 5L Road Runner Du Haut Sartoux MC 10L10L10L Attila Pattes de Velours PS 5 Clos Du Moulin Reedjina PS 8L 9L Moulin'Crecy Rock'n'Roll MC 8L 9L Coonyham Casanova of Wistariantale MC 2L Hautsartoux R.L. MC 10 Usmara Au Jostedalsbreen NF 4L Toltechi's Double Impact PS 5L Maronov Alissa SB 7L Devil's Kiss Dei Toltechi PS 7L Vilmar's Jafar TA 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 26 40 42 42 42 26 26 25 42 41 Shorthair Count 16 15 14 15 CATS LB CW DR JD MC DR SS CW LB MP Hunterdonhall Knobi of Animatrax BG 3S 3 1 4 2 1S 2S 2S 7 4 Crakers Du Selene PS 5L 7 4 6 7 1L 1L 4L 8 Moulin'Crecy Pearly Woman MC 1L 4 6 3 2L 6L 2 Pegase de Blue Swan BS 4S 9 2 10 9 3S 3S 5 Tassam Quasar of Cattycats OS 8S 1 4 4S 1S 1 7 Willowplace Rhett Butler O Cathycoo MC 2L 3 6L 4L 3L 2 Ping Pong The Cats Love BO 7S 1 1S 6 1 Williamina Cosmo of Wistariantale MC 5 9 10L10L 1L Gosth Di Wondeful Cat ES 3 7 2S 3S Moulin'Crecy Patchwork of Paneira MC 5 2L 5L 10 Caricia Del Viento Di Marilu PS 3L 3L 7L 3 Zarino Grisu BG 6S 2 5S 8 Diva de Mon Reve PS 4L 2 9L 2L Moulin'Crecy Phaebus Du Marouis Sa. MC 5 1 5L Beethoven Laskoviy Zver SB 10L 8 8 5L Gina Delle Grandi Orecchie DR 1S 5S 4 Nefertiti Nabila SX 10 8 6S Forrest Gump Blue Disaster CX 9S 7 4S Flocon de Neige Pascha's Love Dream PS 7L 3L 7L Tassam Milky Way of Cattycats OS 2S 6 Tanstaafl Sid N Vicious MC 8L 6L 8L Nefer O Nefer of Blanche Colombe SX 5S 5 Grezky Del Vecchio Mulino SX 6 4S Gwenny of Goblin DR 10 10 Willowplace Amadeus O.T. Cathycoons MC 6 8L van Halen Tequila Bom Bom ES 8 5S Willowplace Dearest Wish O.Broceli MC 6L 9 Gardenofeden Doro MC 3 Moulin'Crecy Obelix MC 5 Flipper PS 9L10L Tassam Stargate OS 9 Radiasthan Osaka SX 9 Opium Pasha's Love Dream PS 10 Degoonacoon Sebec of Cattycats MC 4L O'My Darling Ty Men Coz PS 7L Santograal H.Lady Hawk MC 8L Lara Croft Del Duca Bianco SF 7S American Native Good Joyce MC 9L Pen Guven Des Chaudolles PS 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 35 56 59 58 57 34 35 35 55 55 Shorthair Count 24 22 20 20 ALTERS LB CW DR JD MC DR SS CW LB MP Gloria Gay N Or Prophecii's PS 1L 2 3 1 1 1L 2L 1L 1 1 Hunterdonhall Synster Gust BG 2S 1 4 3 2 2S 1S 1S 4 Vilmar's Shibly TA 2L 5 5 2 4 3L 3L 2L 3 Vestfjorden's Folkvang NF 3L 3 5 3 4L 4L 3L 5 5 Mountainpark Sun Tzu BG 1S 2 1S 3S 2S 2 3 Diaboliqua Dirsea Darma Gr. Orecchie DR 1 3S 2S 3S 4 2 Jenyiszej Sztyopa SB 4L 4 5 2L 1L 4L Moulin'Crecy Nana MC 5L 4 Allbreed/Longhair Count 5 6 7 6 6 4 4 4 7 7 Shorthair Count 2 3 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (debreed@flash.net).