C.A.T. Credo, Tokyo, Japan, December 24, 2000

            Robin Higgins     AB
            Yukimasa Hattori  AB
            Nobuo Hosoe       AB
            Nozumu Yano       SP

KITTENS                                  RH YH NH NY
Gogees Warpaint of Zephyros          BG   2  1  5 1S
Janvier's Reika of Lesplushes        CX   3  9  3   
Coonyham Malibu of Williamina        MC   1  8    4L
Farandoll Lion of Argentrose         RD   9  5    3L
Benefit Ester                        AB   4  2      
Wisekatt Raphael                     NF         1 2L
Mainelyhill Miku of LaChance         MC   5  4      
Wisekatt Gareth                      NF   6  6      
Baycities R.Starr                    OS  10  3      
Abyquest Sweet Lita                  AB         6 4S
Pute Ange Ami                        RB   8       3S
Jedadeux Dexieland Band              CR     10    5S
Bellsymphony Viva La Leo Arymiles    MC         2   
Flora Land Snow Angel                PS         4   
Cat Fleet Connecticut                AB   7         
Plentylove Menthe Poivree            RD         7   
Nenneko Lonely                       PS           1L
Merveilles Jazz                      MC      7      
St. Thomas Rimbaud II of Almaz       SB         8   
Marsparadise Polala                  AS           2S
Puteange Blue Lily                   RB         9   
Sweet Pixies Marine                  SF        10   
Bouquet House La Vie En Rose         PS           5L
Mainelyhill Leon                     MC           6L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     37 36 37 21
                     Shorthair Count              16

CATS                                     RH YH NH NY
Garbera Keisuke                      HI   6  7  4 9L
Wegiekatt Shocola of Fujiforest      NF   3  4    4L
Missionhill Prince Regent            PS   2  9    6L
Marsparadise Magnum of Amyparadise   AS   1 10      
Avantgarde Sophy                     NF         1 3L
Kitty Hawk Angela                    RB      1    4S
Mainelyhill Elvis                    MC      5    2L
Doublefantasy Ophelia Flone          RB         3 3S
Chatandolls St Louis of Sunnyslope   RD      2    7L
Laves One Pair                       PS         2 8L
Lesplushes Tango                     CX   9    10   
Kastalia Clarice                     AB         8 5S
Hikoma I Ganbarunyan                 BU      6    7S
Marirose Blue Impulse                SX      8   10S
Anima-J-P-B of Animatrax             BG      3      
Lisio Tiara                          RB   4         
Animatrax Ninja of Risingsun         BG         5   
Puteange Pinky                       RB   5         
Williamina Silver Dash               MC         6   
Success Konomi of Lachance           AS         7   
Megaplus Kyo Kanoko of Ohedo         MC   7         
Carolcollection Silent               RD   8         
Pitterpaws Freyr of Fairymoon        RD         9   
Maikagura Shogun                     PS           1L
Surfland Claudio of Carolcollection  AB  10         
Mammina Momoko                       SG           1S
Tincarbell Apollo                    AS           2S
Williamina Siddi Bogey               MC           5L
Banby Cafe                           SF           6S
Noblu's QII Suzushiro                OS           8S
Willowplace Leo of Shonancats        MC          10L
Lesplushes Sharles                   CX           9S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     88 87 90 51
                     Shorthair Count              36

ALTERS                                   RH YH NH NY
Proud Run                            RD   1  1  1 5L
Skipway Alufu of Lamlam              SS   3  2  3 4L
Black Panther Taigr                  BG   5  3  5 1S
Williamina Q                         MC   2  4  2   
Castled Hill Prince Jean             NF   4     4 3L
Mainelyhill Angelique                MC      5    2L
Guardianangel Venerable Sakura       BI           1L
Goldspirits Flawless Happiness       RB           2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10 10 10  8
                     Shorthair Count               2

Persia                                    1  1  1 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           RH YH NH NY
Ochibi                                    1  3  1 1S
Bouquet                                   2  2  3 4S
Merc                                      3  1  4 1L
Satomi                                    4  4  5 3S
Purin                                        5  2 2L
Chardonny                                 5       2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  2
                     Shorthair Count               4
This report was prepared by David Thomas (thomcats@flash.net).