Cat's All Folks, Inc. Omaha, NE, February 3-4, 2001

          Saturday AM         Saturday PM           Sunday
      Pamela Barrett   SP  Patti Andrews   SP  Patti Andrews   AB
      Don Caruthers    AB  Nancy Nolen     SP  Nancy Nolen     AB
      Roslyn Drusch    AB  Dewane Barnes   SP  Dewane Barnes   AB
      Pat Harding      AB  Hisako Yamada   AB  Pamela Barrett  AB

KITTENS                                  PB DC RD PH PA NN DB HY PA NN DB PB
Dollhouse Lizzy Taylor               DR  1S 10  2  2 1S    4S  7  2        1
Quasarcat's Demi Luna of Purrboxes   MC  3L  9  3    3L 1L        7  1     2
Sazikatz Agent 99 of Odesseycatz     TO      3  4  7 2S 3S     9  4         
Vanir Anders                         NF  4L          1L    1L     1     2  5
Zarenka Yura Zelenoglazyi            RB  2S  1       4S        4  9        3
Oltae's An Affair to Remember        HI      4 10    2L 3L     2     6      
Ohanaskye's Tsunami                  SI  3S  2  1 10    4S 2S               
Absarrah Xenon of Callistecats       BI  5L  8  6          5L           6  4
Arkady Kasiloff                      RB                 1S 1S     6  2  1   
Wildlove Cold Fusion                 BG  4S     8    5S        5  8        7
Meowacres Sir Hanzal                 MC  1L  5     6       2L           3   
Vanir Blue Skky                      NF         9  1    2L           3    10
Dollhouse Paper Doll                 RD      7  5  3           6            
Schmeichelkatze Sandiaduke Mickey    BS                           5  5  4  8
Varajuan's Nairobi                   AB                           3  8 10  6
Zarenka Knyaz Serebryanyi            RB  5S             2S           4  8   
Silmarilions Indis of Dollhouse      RD  2L                3L           7  9
Goldspurr's Tobiano                  BG                 5S 3S        9  5   
Arkady Alesei                        RB      6       3S        3            
Meowacres Lord Gunther               MC                 5L 4L       10  9   
Mousekateers Kalizo of Go-Teekatz    PS                 4L     8     7      
Purzzfines X's & O's                 BI              4L       10 10         
Arkady Mikhail                       RB         7  4                        
Lyonesse Missi of WHF                MC                        1            
Ohanaskye's Lilla B Mine             SI            5                        
Zarenka Misha Murzik                 RB            8                        
Shomeekatz Captain Morgan            BG            9                        
DK La Foret's Obadiah of Vikingkatt  NF              5L                     
Zarenka Zinovii Unmyi                RB                    5S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     20 37 37 37 18 19 19 36 34 33 34 34
                     Shorthair Count     17          17 17 17               

CATS                                     PB DC RD PH PA NN DB HY PA NN DB PB
L.A.P.D. Citation                    MC  2L  1  3  5    1L 1L  2     1  2  3
Yellowstone Wrnagler of Dollhouse    RD  3L 10  4  3 2L 4L 4L  4  3     9  4
Dreambabys Shars Last Dream          PS  1L     2  2    2L 3L     9  4  7  2
Monarch's Butterfly Kisses           CR  3S  4  1  1 4S        6 10    10  5
Lilla B Thunderheart of Ohanaskye    SI  1S  2    10    5S 2S 10     8  3  1
Haricats Scarlet O'Haira             ES  4S     7  9 6S 1S 3S        2  5  9
Toytown Apollo of Odesseycatz        TO  7S  7  6    2S 2S 4S     1  3      
Arkady Renko                         RB  6S  9          3S 5S  7     5  6   
Luvhanvens Sweetdreams of Dreambabys HI         5  7 4L    2L  3        4   
Cherokee Trails Rolling Thunder      CX              3S 4S 1S  9     6  1   
Wistariantale Baci of Coonyham       MC         9  8    3L 5L        7      
Behari Deja Mew                      BG  8S             7S 7S  5        8   
Vikingkatt's Jedidiah Jared          NF              3L 5L        6        8
Jumanji Nexus of Asaalah             BG  5S  5                             7
Dreambabys Seadream                  PS      3                 1            
Koontucky Canopus of Stellarcoon     MC  4L                       8       10
Velvetjewels Topaz of Koontucky      MC              1L           2         
Pewterpaws Blue Rose                 KT              1S           4         
Crystalskye Vantasicb of Meowacres   SX  2S                                6
Varajuan's Cayenne                   HI                           5 10      
Callistecats Xolly                   BI      8                    7         
Behari Jackpot Jules of Rojon        BG                 6S           9      
Hunterdonhall Ares of Wildlove       BG         8    8S                     
Asmabba Lady Luv of Thai's Star      AB              5S    6S               
Rojon's Tidal Wave                   BG            4                        
Nascat's Fire It Up And Burn Out     MC      6                              
Windstar Superswampurr               BG            6                        
Leotie's Mox Jet                     AB                        8            
Oltae's Abracadbra Poohph            HI        10                           
Windwalker Smokesignal of Purrboxes  MC              5L                     
Whozz Diamond N The Ruff             PS  5L                                 
Suite Creme Brulle                   BG              7S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     19 42 42 42 19 19 19 48 43 42 43 43
                     Shorthair Count     23          23 22 22               

ALTERS                                   PB DC RD PH PA NN DB HY PA NN DB PB
Toytown's Snow Blind of Kaos         TO  2S     3  2 1S 1S 2S     2  1  5  4
Ciara's Kotobuki of Samphire         OS      3  1  1           1     2  1  2
Dreambabys Daydream                  PS  2L  1     4    1L 1L        3  2  3
Dreambabys Dreamcatcher              PS  4L     2  5 1L    3L  2  1     4   
Ne Kitty Hakanboanders Stora Bjorn   NF  5L  5  5    4L 3L        3        5
Shags R Us Rigel of Stellarcoon      MC         4  3 3L    2L     5     3   
Tabbytown's Pale Rider               MC  1L  2          5L                 1
Calicoon Dakota Got Milk             MC  3L  4       2L           4         
Calicoon Sir Milo                    MC                 2L     3     4      
Ciara's Last N Line of Samphire      OS  1S          2S 2S 1S        5      
Jon-Fa's Dream Weaver of Surcats     OS  3S          3S 3S 3S  4            
Purress Loverboy                     BG              4S 4S 4S  5            
CH Morcoons Hey Little Traveling Man MC                    4L               
Purzzfines Ruffles                   BI              5L                     
Furrever Cat Pooh Bear Bintz Nelson  PS                    5L               
Oltae's A Purr Fectly Charming Lady  HI                 4L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 15 16 16 11  9 11 15 16 16 16 16
                     Shorthair Count      3           4  4  4               

Montgomery Foster                        1S  1  1  1 2S 1S 1S  3  3  1  1  3
Tatiana                                  1L  3  2  2 1L 1L 1L  4  1  2  2  1
General Black Jack Pershing              2S  2  3  3 1S 2S 2S  1  2  3  3  2
Nancy Fancy                              2L  4  4  4 2L 2L 2L  2  4  4  4  4
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  4  4  4  2  2  2  4  4  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count      2           2  2  2               

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           PB DC RD PH PA NN DB HY PA NN DB PB
Mattie                                   1S  1  5  3 2S 2S 2S     2  5  4  1
Corbin James                             4S  2  1  1 4S 3S 5S        3  3  3
Midge                                    1L  3  2  4 3L 2L 1L        2  2  2
Actin Silly And Lookin Funny             2L     3  5 5L 1L 2L  2     4  1   
Mo                                       4L          1L 4L 3L  4  3        4
Max                                      2S     4  2 1S                     
Incognito of Kaos                            5          1S 4S        1      
Lady Fallon                                  4          4S 1S     4         
Maggie                                               3S 5S     1        5   
Lady Jane Grey                           3S          5S        5           5
Einstein                                             2L           1         
Tigger                                                     3S     5         
Kola Bear                                3L          4L 5L 4L               
Bear                                     5L             3L 5L               
Tommy Hilfinger                                                3            
Littlemr Bigfoot of Royalcastlecats      5S                                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6 17 17 17  6  5  5 17 16 17 17 17
                     Shorthair Count     11           9 11 11               

Toulouse of Ittybittykitty           MK  1S  1  2  3 2S 1S 1S  2  1  1  1  2
Bengalbuddies Rhafiki Jazz           BG  2S  2  1  1 1S 2S 2S  1  2  2  2  1
Ittybittykitty Zoe                   MK  3S  3  3  2 3S 3S 3S  3  3  3  3  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count         3  3  3           3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count      3           3  3  3               
This report was prepared by Vicki Novak (