Cats Unlimited, Karben, Germany, April 14-15, 2001 Saturday Sunday Lynne Sherer AB Beth Hicks AB Beth Hicks AB Lynne Sherer SP Judy Chappetta SP Judy Chappetta AB Barbara Kressin SP Barbara Kressin SP KITTENS LS BH JC BK BH LS JC BK Woody von Vitus A ES 1 1 1S 1S 1 1S 1 1S Beaverscove Iceman MC 4 8 3L 2L 5 1L 1L St. Laszloi Diana Princess of Funtim MC 5 5L 3L 2 3 3L The Dorsai Midnight Dream MC 3 7 6L 4 4L 5L Oceanside Cheyenne MC 2 9 1L 2L 2 Tronje's Batida de Coco MC 8 3 5L 4 Vitus Xandl PS 5 3 3L Chamberlaine's Digit of Greensleevs MC 2 6L 4L Cattycats Hamal OS 7 2S 3S 2S 3S Doublebee Golden Nugget MC 6 1L Quinsigamond Magnusa of Beaverscove NF 4L 5 Jelena Catarina vom Fundament RB 3S 2S 3S 2S Blackmoon's Dy Anne MC 5L 4L Mountainmeadow Queen-Blue MC 4 Dreamscape Sugar Sugar PS 6 El Sihayas Fire And Ice PS 2L Fiftystars Ivy of Mountainmeadow MC 2L Chablis of Bedford Falls MC 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 24 24 21 21 19 16 19 16 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 CATS LS BH JC BK BH LS JC BK Vitus Jackson ES 1 1 1S 1 1S 2 1S Tuscaloosa Hijacker of Heartbreaker MC 3 5 2L 5L 3 3L 3 Rolls-Royce von Vitus A ES 2 1S 4S 2 2S 1 5S Prince of Wonderlove AB 4 2S 3S 5S 6 4S Tuscaloosa's Giselle of Cattycats MC 7 6L 6 2L 2L Beauty Magic Coton of Maranello PS 10 3 1L 4L Ritzyrags Moebius Maximus RD 5 8 4L 4L Debonair Sharon Stone PS 7 5 7L 7 Coonyham Casanova of Wistariantale MC 2 4 1L Tassam Fan-C Magic of Tuscaloosa SI 5S 9 4S 9 Fullmoons' Couer Dela Meer HI 4 3L 2L Wildwillow Push It Up MC 7L 1L 1L Plharao's Greta Garbo of Saskakhan DR 6 10 3S Willowplace Shakari of Superstars MC 6 8 9L Zvizda's Raschid RB 3S 2S 3S Blackmoon's Lonely Boy MC 5L 4 Pedropurr's Sampson of Forest Ghost MC 6L 5 Kahunacoon's Kimosabe of Saskakhan MC 3L 3L Carocats Goddes Daisy AS 10 2S Koontucky Nighthawk of Wildwillow MC 8 8L Try My Best Cinderella of Maranello HI 8 9L Penogacats McCancy MC 8L 4L Super-Star's Chester MC 10 8L Loussirane de Kapoutan Lidj TV 10L 10L 10L Lovely Ragdoll's Willis RD 8L 6L Beethoven Laskoviy Zver of Maronov SB 9L 6L Angmars Princess of Beaverscove MC 7 Brockenmoor Pacific Ocean BG 9 Stuart von Vitus A ES 9 Tanstaafl Sid N. Vicious MC 5L Coonyham American Hero MC 5L Mesquita Padmee CR 4S Ragmagic's Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo RD 7L Culany Bam Bam BG 5S American Native Good Joyce MC 7L Sutherlands Baccara MC 9L Aghtamar's Kohar-van TV 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 54 53 38 39 48 36 49 34 Shorthair Count 15 15 14 16 ALTERS LS BH JC BK BH LS JC BK Smokey von Vitus A ES 3 3 2S 5S 2 2S 2 4S Dorsai's Dorado MC 2 2 2L 2L 3 1L 2L Blackmoon's Macbeth MC 4 1L 1L 4 2L 3 1L Vitus D'Artagnan ES 1 4S 3S 1 1S 2S Hunterdonhall Synster Gust BG 5 3S 4S 3S 1 3S Culany's Enico SG 1 5 1S 2S Czarizin Maximov Oleg vom Fundament RB 5S 1S 4S 4 1S Lightingfields Remember MC 4 4L 4L 3L 4L Wildwillows Nathaniel Jones MC 3L 3L 5L 5 3L Heartbreaker's Andy MC 5L 5 4L 5L Ethan von Vitus A ES 5S 5S Grand Star von Vitus A PS 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 12 6 6 11 6 11 6 Shorthair Count 6 6 5 5 HOUSEHOLD PETS LS BH JC BK BH LS JC BK Ms Minidou van de Randweg 1 1 1S 1S 1 1S 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Deborah Reed (