Blue Danube Cat Club, Frohnleiten, Austria, June 16-17, 2007

                Saturday                          Sunday
        Geneviève Basquine       AB      Geneviève Basquine       AB
        Mary-Lise de Landtsheer  AB      Mary-Lise de Landtsheer  AB
        Laura Cunningham         AB      Laura Cunningham         SP
        Monika Dany              AB      Monika Dany              AB
        Franziska Gagern         SP      Franziska Gagern         SP
        Hisae Tasaki             SP      Hisae Tasaki             SP 

KITTENS                                  GBMLL LC MD FG HT GBMLL LC MD FG HT   
Caprimoon What's A Name of Maranello PS   1  1  1    4L 1L  1  1 1L  7 2L 2L   
Williamina Genji of Wistariantale    MC   3     4  1 1L 4L       2L  1 1L 1L   
Coffeecup's Flippy                   BI   2  2  2    3L 5L  2  2 4L    3L   
Kiraly Erdei Pamacs Mana             AB   6  8  3  7 1S     6  4 2S  5 1S 5S   
Britishkings Kimberly                BS         6  4 2S 2S     5     2 2S 1S   
Rivergang Alamo Joe                  MC   8        5 5L 2L             5L 4L   
Newtajmahal Kaori                    SX      5     2 4S 4S       1S    3S 3S   
Chester de La Vallee Du Lys          BS   4  4     3 3S 5S       5S         
Newtajmahal B-Kamani                 SX                 1S  4    4S  4 5S 2S   
Moonrakers Papa Noel                 MC            6 2L              3 4L   
Wistariantale Amadeus                MC   5        8        5             5L   
Passion of the Lilac Star            BS              5S 3S  3    3S    4S 4S   
Tuscaloosa Im Neniel of Ynyswitrin   MC      6                 6     6      
Justcoon's Ire Land                  MC   7  7          3L                  
Apollocoon Dark Desire               MC      3  7                           
Velvetangels Aragon                  MC         5                3L         
Wistariantale Sistina                MC         8                         3L   
Pantheracoons Special Edition        MC                        3            
Ma-Da-An's Percifal                  PS                        7            
Raszputyin Delinka                   SB                     7               
Bootcamp's Cleo                      MC                          5L         
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      23 23 23 23 16 17 22 22 16 22 15 16   
                    Shorthair Count                   6  6        6     5  5   

CATS                                     GBMLL LC MD FG HT GBMLL LC MD FG HT   
Cattycats Lord Kobori Enshu          OS   5  3  5  2 3S 1S  2  2 2S  2 3S 3S   
Vador du Prince de la Nuit           PS   3  1  3    1L 2L  4  1 1L    1L 1L   
Artaban's Gigi                       SI  10     2  1 2S 2S 10    1S  1 1S 2S   
Mainewalk Lancelot of Witchcraft     MC      8     5 4L 5L  3  3 2L  3 5L 2L   
Divinus Sweet Biscuit                SX   1  6       1S     1  6    10 2S   
Graeftenhof Navajo Chief             MC   4     8    3L 3L     9 4L  9    5L   
Barsonyos Mancs Baby Mercedes        BS      7     9    3S     5 4S  5    1S   
Parti Wai Ooh La La of Maranello     PS   7 10     3             3L  4    3L   
Spice Oregano                        BG      2       5S     8  4 5S       5S   
Rhapsodiebluebeluga of Britishkings  BS   2     1                3S    5S   
Orso Cuore d'Havannah                BI         6  4 2L                3L   
Cedar Rose Pennington of Maranello   PS                 4L  6          4L 4L   
A Winerau's Maverick                 MC      4  4       1L                  
Katyusha Wings of Raszputyin         SB   8          5L       10 5L         
Gerhilde vom Nibelheim               BS         7       4S  5               
Gudrun vom Nibelheim                 BS         9       5S     8            
Diablo Fire Walk With Me             AB      9 10 10                        
Kenzo von Gizmo Castle               BS            6                 6      
Honey Cat Ave Felis                  BS      5              7               
Alameacet Herge George Remi          BS   6        8                        
Barsonyos Mancs Jessica              BS            7                 8      
Viva vom Lindenpalais of Starry Sky  BS                     9             4S   
Shikantaza's Dhaikiri                BS              4S                4S   
Cattycats Quam Wang                  OS                              7      
Fayola Oswald of Luipinacoons        MC                        7            
Kranewitter's Asia                   PS                                2L   
Baghira of Gentle Lions              MC   9                                 
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      34 34 34 34 15 15 32 32 14 33 15 14   
                    Shorthair Count                  19 19       19    18 18   

ALTERS                                   GBMLL LC MD FG HT GBMLL LC MD FG HT   
Mainewalk Jelena                     MC   2  3  1  5 5L 1L  3  2 2L  2 5L 1L   
Insider's Waldemar                   SL   3  1  4  3 4L 2L  1  1 5L  4 3L 2L   
Minusdetails Gil-Galad               CY   1  5     2 1L 3L  2  3 3L  3 1L 3L   
Newtajmahal Dhana Jeera              SX   4     2  1 1S 1S  5  4 1S  1 1S 1S   
Luipinacoons Faramir                 MC      2  3    2L     4  5 1L    2L 4L   
Hogwarthspride Gandalf The Grey      RD   5        4 3L 5L             4L   
Brockenmoor Buffy                    BG         5    2S 2S       2S    2S 3S   
Newtajmahal Mojo                     SX      4       3S 3S       3S    3S 2S   
Bootcamp's Bratac                    MC                 4L           5      
Pantheracoons Nick Knatterton        MC                          4L       5L   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      10 10 10 10  7  7 11 11  7 11  8  7   
                    Shorthair Count                   3  3        3     3  3   

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           GBMLL LC MD FG HT GBMLL LC MD FG HT   
Tabenga                                   1  2  1  2 1S 1S  2  2 1S  2 2S 2S   
Lucky                                     2  1  2  1 1L 1L                  
Alibaba                                                     1  1 2S  1 1S 1S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  1  1  2  2  0  2  0  0   
                    Shorthair Count                   1  1        2     2  2   

NEW TRAITS                               GBMLL LC MD FG HT GBMLL LC MD FG HT   
Hocus Pocus Nexus of Hunnybears      BL      1  1           1  1     1  1   
Kastanyeback's Tinkerbell            BL   1        1  1  1                  
Indy Rock'n'Roll's Bling Bling       BL                           1        1   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       3  3  3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2   
                    Shorthair Count                                         
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (