Championship Cat Standings 2009: 2007-2204

This table shows the current TICA standings based on the shows which have been scored by the Executive Office at the time this report was generated.

TICA rules permit a cat or kitten to be shown once without a registration number. The points for those entries are listed as "points pending" in the scores shown below. If the listing for a cat or kitten shows "points pending", the owner needs to contact the Executive Office once a registration number has been obtained to secure those points for titles and for any regional or international awards.

Only the points from the 50 highest awards for each cat (30 highest awards for kittens) are included in the scores for regional or international awards. For that reason, some of the points shown as "pending" may not add to the total.

Official scores are subject to change as exhibitors may submit catalog corrections on their cats. All corrections must be received in the Executive Office by May 7th. See the Standing Rules to the Scoring System for more information.

An owner can obtain a detailed scoring report for his or her cat, showing the points earned in each ring at each show, by requesting a Current Scoring Record from the Executive Office. The fee is $5.00 (US) per report.

This report was generated 28 May 2009.

RankChampionship Cat Standings 2009: 2007-2204
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2007T121101Desentrechats Baby Pink Polly ESAB196
2007T512T9WHF Shadows Curl of Lykken ENSL196
2007T512T31Arunaguban Allunga ENSO196
2010T514310TAstarte Bolivarr ENBG195
2010T99310TTherealms Sterling Masterpiece MPBG195
2012T51598Positively Arcamor Scamp ENBS194
2012T214215Rags2riches Sherry of Angelarrow AARD194
2012T159312Junglekatz Idolwurthy of Spotagious SCBG194
2015T51699TKittirose Orchidee ENBS193
2015T14799TLaziblues Uncle Sam of Brigattos GLBS193
2017T16738TDreamhimi Ghirardelli NWHI192
2017T51738TCazim de Rabais/ID ENHI192
2019T168T216Moxiedolls Cool Hank NWRD191
2019T16082Ismeme Notyouyou Valentina SCSX191
2019T168T32Nightrox Some Like It Hot NWSO191
2022T133T83TMauritius Chupa Chups SESX190
2022T51845Ouranoz Ciello of Noah's Ark/FI ENSI190
2022T133T83TPursncuddles Soleil of Baldfantasea SESX190
20259612Littlebeans Carbon Copy Deluxe MAML189
2026T16146Klazeekats Windwalker SCOS188
2026T100313TLeopardspride Zeppe of Silverstate MPBG188
2026T519313TGoldnglitz Mid Summers Dream ENBG188
2029T520T211Gbzydeco Outoftheblue ENMC187
2029T520T315Calcatta Madeoffire of Hallmark ENBG187
2029T9785Dalpat Rambos Diamond Cutter MASX187
2032T138T217Bellapalazzo Karly of Caramorcats NERD186
2032T65136Ethan II SAPS186
2032T138T86Opusone Charlie NESX186
2032T522316Dazzledots Social Encore ENBG186
2032T215T31Marchhare K Poyora AABU186
2032T215T33Earthmoss Floraison of Furrycats AASO186
2038T148101Thistlevine Braf GLBS185
2038T98218Catnaturally Cure For The Blues MARD185
2038T523T40Sotsby King Oberon ENHI185
2038T523T87Isida Bel Homme ENSX185
2038T66317Coira Tango of Aldeabengals SABG185
2043T13541Karissimakat Annabeth of Caligula SEHI184
2043T170T88Ankhamun Grunt Truck NWSX184
2043T170T59Prairiepoints Ellie NWBI184
2046T525T58Uspeh Iz Odissei ENSB183
2046T525T219Chantamoni Quendolin Sundance ENRD183
2046T525T60Amisti Colensoi ENBI183
2046T525T91Jhardufae Zorfia Bluelady ENNF183
2050T21792TLjosalfar Gay AANF182
2050T529T318Silkroute Caprica ENBG182
2050T529T92TDayjoy Titania ENNF182
2053T531T89Grand Oray Dolce Verona ENSX181
2053T162319TBengalmanor Lady Katherine Deburgh SCBG181
2053T149319TNeozen Firefly of Amarillofields GLBG181
2053T140220Sunnybrook Bridget NERD181
2053T531T212MTNest Jackman ENMC181
2053T531T66Vega Gilgamesh/GB ENES181
2059T150T59Cooncreole Melina of Glorydolls GLSB180
2059T16318Bluester Cogburn of Cowboyclaws SCPD180
2059T534321Barijka Taboo ENBG180
2059T218T213TFuraido Diva of Williamina AAMC180
2059T150T213TVelvetjewels Magic Man of Cronus GLMC180
2059T218T94Nzurisana Sharifa Asma AANF180
2065T1663Catalons Lulu SWBH179
2065T53561Jandouglen Gypsy Girl ENBI179
2065T17224Legendtales Kwerky Klone NWPB179
206817315Touch O Katz Goddess Nut NWEM178
2069T174102Abydom Azrael of Hopscotch NWAB177
2069T122322Dendera Des Onces ESBG177
2069T53660Russianirbis Zhavdronok ENSB177
2069T1671Bluemist Odin of Bratskats SWNB177
2073T537T102Kimcatz Kimari Bo ENBS176
2073T537T47Fiordiliso Galaxy Silk ENOS176
2073T164221Romancenrags Je Taime Ma Cherie SCRD176
2073T175323TGogees Tamika of Junglejem NWBG176
2073T67323TAldeabengals Anekin SABG176
2073T16813Karrklan Cacin Rudee Valentino SWOC176
2079T22095Fearyring Zuzanna AANF175
2079T152215Lacocoon Stormy Weather GLMC175
2079T101222Finerpointrags Miracolo MPRD175
2082T153T12Designerstripes Pride And Joy GLTG174
2082T141103Empireofglamour Benjamin NEBS174
2082T153T67Tracylooe Sizzle/GC GLES174
2082T53948Schimmel Shesanightmare ENOS174
2082T13690Cybersphynx Alegria of Baldfantasea SESX174
2082T9925Potomac Viper MAPB174
2088T221103TIntuition Anna AAAB173
2088T540T216Freddy v Langenseifen ENMC173
2088T142103TPentaclecats Summer Solstice NEAB173
2088T6861Mashalabizbul Igor SASB173
2088T540T32Goldlay Lovingsecret ENBU173
2093T155325TAlbeng Coco Dimond of Sunristreasur GLBG172
2093T137325TBahiya Trade Secret of Aaliyah SEBG172
2093T169223Kitnsmitn In The Misty Moonlight SWRD172
2096T16513Primaeval Kreios SCTG171
2096T542327TSuntouched Anya ENBG171
2096T143327TBengaland Gingerbread of Snowtundra NEBG171
2099T1768Balimoor Snowdrift NWOL170
2099T222217Yatazaka Hara AAMC170
2099T543329TPurebliss Majic ENBG170
2099T166329TTecspot Justincredible of Texasstar SCBG170
2099T102329TClaggetts Bow Tyler Button MPBG170
2099T170105Equistice Nala of Calirags SWAB170
2099T123104Lady Emely Blue vom Wernerwald ESBS170
2106T138332Legacie Plata Belleza of Aaliyah SEBG169
2106T54491Ramilypan Amoire ENSX169
2106T12462Belle Des Moulins de Busset/LO ESBI169
2109T223218Sappyclasse Ariel AAMC168
2109T171333Fuzzylovepa Creme Decashmere SWBG168
2111T224334TMedusa Plein Soleil AABG167
2111T17734Bellezza Pantaleone Azzuro NWSO167
2111T13910Acatncurls Panty Raider SESL167
2111T545334TBrockenmoor Justin ENBG167
2115T546137Bigwig In The Red ENPS166
2115T172336Abambu Riki Riki of Catsparadise SWBG166
2117T140224Rags2riches Eva SERD165
2117T547T68Dark Diamond Dias of Dar-Liz Dol/CF ENES165
2117T547T219Mainefield Egalite ENMC165
2120T141T225Boysnrags Sir Oliver of Palacecats SERD164
2120T549T24Pentals Blue Samoteja of Nindaranna ENRB164
2120T22596Dorrymama Cherry Blossom AANF164
2120T103105Purrceptive Snuggleupagus MPBS164
2120T549T35Wildroads Cenedra ENSO164
2120T141T220Lionsmaine Southern Pride SEMC164
2120T17392Velvetwrinkles Wilamena of Bemisu SWSX164
2120T14442Jamboree Ja Ma Potions Master NEHI164
2128T143T221Mysticoon Hester of Luckypaws SEMC163
2128T143T337TDestinybengals Seasha of Bearbrook SEBG163
2128T143T93Wizardgate Jacked Up To Jesus SESX163
2128T178106Phoenixabys Dirty Deeds Done NWAB163
2128T551T97Usher Gatonegro ENNF163
2128T551T337TGlitterglam Clarence ENBG163
2134T174226Dcdolls Rudolph Valentino SWRD162
2134T179107Abydale Glowing Ember NWAB162
2134T104339Beechwood Sirlancalot of Lakehurst MPBG162
2134T12543Arpacats Miss Afryca of Ste-Colo/CF ESHI162
2134T553222Amayalynx Geisha ENMC162
2139T554223TRushmore Yummi ENMC161
2139T226227Farandoll Ferdinand Pichard AARD161
2139T126223TTuscaloosa Solitaire ESMC161
2139T100340Shevangibengals Sujad MABG161
2143T555T228Sunrisedolls Petronellamspeppermint ENRD160
2143T555T341TSpringmeadow Pixie Bell ENBG160
2143T146341TSavannahriver Tinkerbell Special SEBG160
2143T16718Cowboyclaws Abilene of Creole SCCR160
2143T127T225TMoulincrecy Captain J ESMC160
2143T555T225TAce Ventura of Perfect Cat/ID ENMC160
2143T127T138Kissncry Vice Versa ESPS160
2150T14549TSuemc Velaro NEOS159
2150T156T49TMartycats Black Hawk GLOS159
2150T558229TFaelinis Blue Balou ENRD159
2150T156T44Chamagoura Versace of Daintycharm GLHI159
2150T227229TLaladoll Neith of Gentletime AARD159
2155T228T231TFuzzjp Jupiter AARD158
2155T559T227TCoontasticuk Luigi ENMC158
2155T559T227TBhanacoyne Serindipity ENMC158
2155T101T13Munchkinlane Violets Mist MAML158
2155T228T98Altihappy You Raise Me Up Mo2 AANF158
2155T168343Jater Sensational Eden of Kattitude SCBG158
2155T101T231TChesapeakerags Susquehanna Lady MARD158
2162T18011Catequil Ghost of Dramatails NWSL157
2162T56194TApriorinaked Jar Jar Binks ENSX157
2162T17526Alpinelegend Jack Leg SWPB157
2162T69344Coira Norena of Aldeabengals SABG157
2162T10594TBareangels Rimshot MPSX157
2167T103229TMc Kimmey Roxi of Blazinarrow MAMC156
2167T14762Sibirskiy Remus John Lupin of Jaban SESB156
2167T562229TChemicoons Billy Idol of Mainewalk ENMC156
2170T14845Beaukit Kiki of Purking SEHI155
2170T23036Brunrouge Akahoshi AASO155
2170T106231Lostcoast Torre MPMC155
2170T176345Wildgold Isadora of Donamaebengals SWBG155
2174T17710Gatoamarosa Carmelow SWMK154
2174T10721Kitti Kat Jurasic Age MPSR154
2174T231T233TRokka Heart To Heart AARD154
2174T181106TNimloth Paint of Sterlingbrits NWBS154
2174T563T106TTicatbalu Honky Tonk Billy ENBS154
2174T129108Amaounet de Guirons/LO ESAB154
2174T231T232TFirstderica Hermes AAMC154
2174T563T232TJonesboro Eisenhower ENMC154
2174T231T233TBajimbi Harmony N Blue AARD154
2183T182T51Summit Mews Kiana NWOS153
2183T15818Halima Selene GLTV153
2183T23469Nenneko Mizuki AAES153
2183T178346Lunakatz Venus of Kindredkatz SWBG153
2183T182T63Alexander Goldnheart of Whitenights NWSB153
2183T10412Vindouro Purrcee of Toriland MABO153
2189T565T25THalmbylunds Siddharta ENRB152
2189T18437Running Fox Dos Piccolos NWSO152
2189T14696Skinsosoft Mr Harlo NESX152
2189T235T25TSupersmile Kellogg AARB152
2189T565T234Bhanacoyne Dresden ENMC152
2189T565T22Lelaurier Closetocrazy ENSR152
2189T10811Azima Sedona Rose of Katsnjazz MPTA152
2189T130139Chopin Des Therondels/ID ESPS152
2189T159235Kittyhaven Cleocatra of Mysticrds GLRD152
2189T235T347Themis Lee AABG152
2199T179T236Rockcreek Candle In The Wind SWRD151
2199T16970Cinemax Samantha of Zanycats SCES151
2199T568348TAdatesh Loki ENBG151
2199T179T99Amorino Kings Encore SWNF151
2199T160348TKazba Tina Orion of Starkittie GLBG151
2204T23764Almaz Moca AASB150
2204T181T237TRockcreek All American Girl SWRD150
2204T56963Namrib Beautilious ENBI150
2204T181T350Kingsmark Margay In Silver SWBG150
2204T147237TOrchid Zygopetalum Dolly NERD150